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Suppliers for Lab antibodies

Antibody for Rat HO-1 (Rat)

SPC-207D-A680 Stressmarq 0.1mg
Description: A polyclonal antibody for HO-1 from Mouse | Rat. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with Rat Rat HO-1 without the transmembrane domain (cloned residues 1-262). The Antibody is tested and validated for WB assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000). This HO-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 680.

Antibody for Rat HO-1 (Rat)

SPC-207D-A700 Stressmarq 0.1mg
Description: A polyclonal antibody for HO-1 from Mouse | Rat. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with Rat Rat HO-1 without the transmembrane domain (cloned residues 1-262). The Antibody is tested and validated for WB assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000). This HO-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 700.

Antibody for Rat HO-1 (Rat)

SPC-207D-APCCY7 Stressmarq 0.1mg
Description: A polyclonal antibody for HO-1 from Mouse | Rat. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with Rat Rat HO-1 without the transmembrane domain (cloned residues 1-262). The Antibody is tested and validated for WB assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000). This HO-1 antibody is conjugated to APC/Cy7.

Antibody for Rat HO-1 (Rat)

SPC-207D-DY350 Stressmarq 0.1mg
Description: A polyclonal antibody for HO-1 from Mouse | Rat. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with Rat Rat HO-1 without the transmembrane domain (cloned residues 1-262). The Antibody is tested and validated for WB assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000). This HO-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 350.

Antibody for Rat HO-1 (Rat)

SPC-207D-DY405 Stressmarq 0.1mg
Description: A polyclonal antibody for HO-1 from Mouse | Rat. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with Rat Rat HO-1 without the transmembrane domain (cloned residues 1-262). The Antibody is tested and validated for WB assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000). This HO-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 405.

Antibody for Rat HO-1 (Rat)

SPC-207D-DY488 Stressmarq 0.1mg
Description: A polyclonal antibody for HO-1 from Mouse | Rat. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with Rat Rat HO-1 without the transmembrane domain (cloned residues 1-262). The Antibody is tested and validated for WB assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000). This HO-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 488.

Antibody for Rat HO-1 (Rat)

SPC-207D-DY594 Stressmarq 0.1mg
Description: A polyclonal antibody for HO-1 from Mouse | Rat. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with Rat Rat HO-1 without the transmembrane domain (cloned residues 1-262). The Antibody is tested and validated for WB assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000). This HO-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 594.

Polyclonal ETO polyclonal antibody

APR00372G Leading Biology 0.05ml 580.8 EUR

Polyclonal SHH Polyclonal Antibody

APR00434G Leading Biology 0.1mg 580.8 EUR

Polyclonal ETO polyclonal antibody

APR00435G Leading Biology 0.1ml 633.6 EUR

Polyclonal p53 polyclonal antibody

APR00443G Leading Biology 0.05mg 633.6 EUR

Polyclonal G9a polyclonal antibody

APR00448G Leading Biology 0.1ml 580.8 EUR

Polyclonal YY1 polyclonal antibody

APR14018G Leading Biology 0.1ml 580.8 EUR

Polyclonal PML polyclonal antibody

AMR09397G Leading Biology 0.05mg 580.8 EUR

Polyclonal RARA polyclonal antibody

APR00370G Leading Biology 0.05ml 580.8 EUR

Our used recombinants in Pubmed.


D04-101-500g Alphabiosciences 500 g Ask for price

H2S Test Medium

K019-1PK EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 8.82 EUR

Single Test Kit

EKIT-009 Creative BioMart 20 assays 399.2 EUR

HBcAb Test Card

HBcAb-252 Innovation Biotech 4.0 mm (strip in a card) 25cards/box 0.32 EUR

HBeAb Test Card

HBeAb-232 Innovation Biotech 4.0 mm (strip in a card) 25cards/box 0.32 EUR


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